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Going Parabolic

by One Happy Solar Cook
(Somewhere under the sun)

Frying an egg...sunny side up.

Frying an egg...sunny side up.

Over the past few years, I had been experimenting with my solar oven, and recently shared that story. After reviewing the various other products and stories on this site, I felt that it was time to add a "burner" to my oven. I bought the solar parabolic cooker a few weeks ago, set it up, and this weekend had a chance to test it out.

The early morning sun, 9 am, would be a good time to test this burner. It was 56F outside, and the sky was temporarily clear. Within minutes the burner was up to temperature, and I had eggs cooking, as if it was on the stove top. Amazing.


Thank you...? for your contribution.

Yes, it is great to be able to go above and beyond the capacity of a solar oven and to also be able to use the sun for grilling, frying and such.

Happy Solar Cooking

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Oct 29, 2010
Found It?
by: Brad

This looks like what I was thinking about.

Very interesting.

Oct 24, 2010
Partly Cloudy
by: Brad

Like other solar oven users, when the forecast calls for cloudy weather, I would let go of the idea of cooking with the sun that day. With this burner, if I can get a half-hour of direct sun, at any time during the day, I pop the parabolic open, aim it, and it's done. This first try performance was really eye-opening, since it changes the paradigm of my solar cooking. I have several friends who camp, who have been monitoring my efforts, and they would love to have a super lightweight version of this cooker. We talked about an all-aluminum version, where the stand is replaced by a pointed end that pushes into the ground after extending to size and locking. The reflective sections "fan" outward and lock. The shaped handle offers support for a cooking pot, etc. When camping enthusiasts tell me how much they pay to "lose weight" on their packs, I'm amazed and think a product like this would succeed.

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