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Great Project for First Grader (Pizza Box Solar Oven)

My first grader and I made the pizza box solar oven this afternoon. She's five, so we didn't concern ourselves with making it perfectly but she was able to understand many of the concepts involved (i.e. "we're painting it black because black holds the heat" and "the reflector means more sun gets in there"). She will present it to her class this week, they're learning about solar energy. I'll be sending corn chips and cheese, I hope the teacher will let them try to make nachos!


Greetings and thank you for sharing your solar cooker building experience with our readers.
I am glad to see parents that get involved with their children at a young age and especially with something that is so easy as well as enjoyable as solar cooking is.
I have felt that if children can start young seeing and experiencing their world outside of the traditional or customary forms of doing things they will be more apt embrace new and better ways than we do even now.

Let us know how the project does at her school.

Thank you,


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Pizza Box cooking
by: Dana

That's a great project to get a little one excited about harnessing some of that free-floating energy from the sun! I was at an eco-fest at our local science center recently, and they were letting kids "bake" crayons in solar ovens (they had the pizza box ones, but it was too windy that day, and they were blowing away, so they ended up using the GSO. Still, it was a great idea for the pizza ovens).

They had a container full of peeled crayons, and miniature muffin cups. Each kid put about 5 broken up crayons in one paper muffin cup and then put that in the oven until they melted together. After it re-hardens, the kids had a circular, multicolored crayon to take home. I thought it was a very nice, tangible take-away for the lesson on solar energy.

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