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I have a Solar Cooking Question!

by BC
(St. Louis, MO)

For those of you who solar cook earlier in the day, when the sun is at its strongest, what do you do with the food after it's cooked? Do you just leave it in the cooker all day to stay warm? Or do you bring it inside and reheat it in the microwave before dinner?

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Aug 14, 2014
Solar Cooking Early
by: Jim La Joie

I make breakfast for breakfast - omelets, oatmeal.
Lunch for lunch - say chicken, pizza or toasted cheese sandwiches.
And dinner for dinner.
today a 3.5 pound tri-tip done in 90 minutes and then just simmering until the sun went down. Fork tender.
Then there are the long cooking high volume foods like stews and beans. Due to their mass or their required simmering time, these can take all day. They are eaten fresh that night and the leftovers - quite a lot - are refrigerated then added to other recipes. Like beans on solar baked nachos.
I do a large batch of beans once a week.
I can reheat the beans in the same amount of time it takes to make the cornbread.

Aug 14, 2014
Solar cooking early
by: Nathan

If I cooked really early, and depending on the food, I will leave it in the solar oven usually at an angle away from the sun to where it only remains at a temperature of about 200 F. until we are ready to eat.
Of course baked foods will not do well with this method ;) They would over cook or dry out.

If keeping the food (ex.casserole, enchilada, stew etc.) in the cooker all day long would overcook it, then I will usually just take the food out and refrigerate it (if necessary) and leave my solar oven outside keeping it hot so that when we are close to dinner time I can just put the food back in to reheat it.

Most of my solar cooking I try to time, or start, so that we are ready exactly at dinner time, (or lunch) but I realize that sometimes one has to start earlier due to varying and extenuating circumstances, such our southwest desert summer monsoon season.

Others might have some better tips.

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