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Of Books and Solar Cookers

by BC
(St. Louis, MO)

Apparently, not many people in my part of St. Louis are into solar cooking because I’m finding a real dearth of books about it in my local library! I found exactly one, and it is from 2006. It’s the one by Lorraine Anderson. Amazon has quite a few for purchase, but I’m looking for more than just recipes, and more than just how to use one. What I’d really like is more of a compendium: something with both an ancient and modern history of solar cooking, as well as tips, recipes, how to build one, and anything else that falls under the keyword “solar cooking”! Does anyone know of any book(s) like this?

On the cooking front, it has been cloudy and/or rainy here for the past week, so no solar cooking has been going on. I am hoping to make a turkey chili, which is a recipe in my newest Food Network Magazine.

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Aug 13, 2014
by: BC turkey chili yet! I was feeling vegetarian today. Maybe I'll make the turkey tomorrow rather than the chicken chickpea curry!

Aug 12, 2014
by: BC

Yeah, I've found a lot of stuff online, especially also on this site...I'd just like to have a hard copy of everything all in one book, in case the "Schumer hits the fan!" and I can no longer go online! LOL

Aug 12, 2014
Cooker info
by: Cal Griggs

If you go to the Solar Cookers International website, you will get tons of information for free.

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