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thermal energy

by ashleyluna

how will thermal enrgery enter the solar cooker and becume trapped inside

email me at ashley.luna

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Nov 17, 2015

by: Nathan

Greetings Ashley,

Thank you for your question.

The energy that a solar cooker needs to cook food comes from the sun in the form of UV rays and these enter into the solar cooker through a glass or plastic cover, or lid.
The lid has to be transparent (like glass) in order for the energy to get into the cooker.
This same lid also helps to trap and hold the heat inside of the cooker which allows it to build up enough heat to permit the food to cook.
Insulation in the walls of the solar cooker also help to trap this same heat energy inside of the cooker.

This page on our website may be helpful in answering your question as well. How solar cooking works

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