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Tracking the Sun ( page 2 )

by Lincoln Kraeuter
(Jensen Beach,)

Tracking Mechanism Sketch

Tracking Mechanism Sketch

The third requirement is: both the north-south "daily" center line of rotation and the east-west seasonal line of rotation must pass through the focal area. This will maintain the focal area in a fixed position. The north-south axial pipes and wood beams with bearing holes must not block the flow of solar energy. A heavy brick oven with a pyrex baking dish cover or plastic cover can be placed under this focal area. Solar energy will heat the pyrex dish for tortillas and heat the oven for goat stew. I built the tracking mechanism. It works. Thanks to the US Coast Guard Academy for teaching celestial navigation. Lincoln Kraeuter, Jensen Beach, FL, USA

Great Information Lincoln,

Thank you for sharing again with us.


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